British Built Machinery That’s Made to Last
The Oxdale Mounted Chain Harrows are easy to use and attach to any tractor with a standard 3-point linkage. Harrowing removes dead thatch lifts vegetation up and levels mole hills. Its job is to allow air movement and root aeration which helps the soil to breathe and improves water infiltration. The 4ft, 6ft and 8ft versions all come with a ’3-way chain matt’. This means that the matt can be used at its most vigorous setting or turned so that it is not as severe to the crop.
Effortlessly attachable to any tractor with a standard 3-point linkage, Oxdale Mounted Chain Harrows offer practical solutions for pasture management. Available in sizes from 4ft to 12ft, these harrows suit various applications, from farms to equestrian venues and sports fields.
Designed to remove dead thatch, lift vegetation, and level molehills, chain harrows enhance soil breathability and water infiltration while reducing disease by exposing fungi and bacteria to sunlight. Best used in spring after grazing and before fertiliser application, chain harrowing should be done at a walking pace.
Featuring a ‘3-way chain mat’ on select models, our harrows offer adjustable settings for different crop severities. They are designed for complete ground coverage, ensuring thorough soil aeration. Smaller frames are rigid and supplied for self-assembly.
Chain harrows were originally designed to work behind horses and it is best done at a walking pace (between 3 and 4 mph) which was the average working speed of a horse.
What does a chain harrow do?
Harrowing removes dead thatch lifts vegetation up and levels molehills. Its job is to allow air movement and root aeration which helps the soil to breathe and improves water infiltration. It reduces disease by exposing fungi and bacteria to sunlight which is essential for the health of the pasture. Our larger heavy-duty chain harrows are folding so that you can transport them easily.
Our mounted paddock chain harrows are designed to pull the harrows at the correct angle so that the ground is completely covered. The smaller frames are rigid and delivered flat-packed on pallets. All frames are supplied for self-assembly.
The 4ft, 6ft and 8ft versions all come with a ’3-way chain matt’. This means that the matt can be used at its most vigorous setting or turned so that it is not as severe to the crop.
British Built Machinery That’s Made to Last
1 review for Mounted Chain Harrows
Alex –
These harrows are excellent. I have the 12ft folding harrows and they are perfect for grass land and are easy to transport on the road given their compact folded size.