Spring Tine Grass Harrows

Spring Tine Grass Harrows for Paddock Maintenance

Looking after fields and grass paddocks requires the right tools to get the best out of the growth and health. Our Spring Tine Grass Harrows are designed to perform and are an essential part of your farming arsenal. Whether you’re managing pasture, hay fields or equestrian paddocks our grass harrows will give you soil aeration, thatch removal and improved grass growth.

The fixed weeder comes in widths from a very handy 4ft to a manual folding 12ft, all fitted with 8mm tines. The machines are designed for strength without the need for high horsepower.

Benefits of Spring Tine Grass Harrows

  1. Soil Aeration
    • The spring tines will penetrate the soil to aerate it. This will improve water, nutrient and air absorption and give you healthier and more robust grass in your fields and paddocks.
  2. Thatch Removal
    • Thatch, a layer of dead grass and organic matter, can hinder the health of your pasture. Our harrows are designed to lift and remove the thatch so your grass will be vigorous and productive.
  3. Moss Control
    • Moss can invade grass paddocks especially in wet conditions. The spring tines are perfect for lifting and removing moss and giving your grass room to grow strong and healthy.
  4. Seed Bed Preparation
    • If you’re reseeding your fields a Spring Tine Grass Harrow is a must have tool. It will prepare the seed bed by creating a fine tilth so you get better seed to soil contact and higher germination rates.


Why Choose Our Spring Tine Grass Harrows?

  • Tough: Made from high quality materials our harrows are built to withstand daily use and the demands of field work.
  • Flexible: The spring tines will flex and follow the contours of your land to give an even and thorough treatment across your paddocks.
  • Easy to Use: Light and easy to handle our harrows make field maintenance simple and efficient.
  • Versatile: Suitable for all types and sizes of fields our harrows can be customised to your farming needs.


Don’t let moss, thatch and compacted soil affect the health and productivity of your fields and grass paddocks. Keep your fields thriving and your paddocks perfect with our harrows.